38 years. That’s how long we’ve been here. By your side, making sure you have the right materials to get the job done.
We’ve been through a lot together. Booms and busts. Wars. Hurricanes. Upheaval, both foreign and domestic. These things have had profound impacts on the markets we all rely on for our businesses to thrive. And through it all, Lynco Flange has remained small enough to pivot but strong enough to weather the economic storm.
But even we have to admit that we’ve never seen anything quite like this. The stunning confluence of events that have transpired over the past three months have led all of us into a period of uncertainty that’s unlike anything else we’ve seen during our 38 years.
With the uncertainty swirling around all of us on a daily basis, we wanted to take this opportunity to assure you of one thing that IS certain.
We aren’t going anywhere.
While many large corporations make projections about falling profits and begin slashing payroll, we recognize that payroll means people. And our people are what make this company work.
As a result, we’re not laying off anyone. Our team will be just as you’ve always known them. Experienced, knowledgeable, dedicated, friendly, and available to make sure your project is properly equipped, on time, and on budget.
We’ve done extensive work with an IT partner to create a comprehensive remote work environment for our team, which allows them to provide you with the same excellent service no matter where they’re officing in the coming weeks and months.
And to our valued and loyal customers who are struggling to make it through these unprecedented times, here’s our pledge to you. You have a partner at Lynco Flange that will work to understand your specific circumstances and accommodate you in every way possible. We will survive this by helping you survive this. And make no mistake, we WILL survive this.
The COVID-19 crisis has forced all of us to keep physical distance from one another. But as a company, we will weather this TOGETHER with you. As your partner. As someone you can count on. As someone who will stand with you to do whatever is necessary to come out on the other side of this even stronger.
As circumstances are changing rapidly week to week, we’d like to stay in close contact with you about any and all COVID-19 related updates. Please fill out this form below to be notified when we post more information on ways we can help our customers during this uncertain time.