Piping systems are more complex than you might think, especially if they carry certain liquids. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, about 64% of pipeline incidents are a result of hazardous liquid pipelines. This fact emphasizes the importance of a well-functioning piping system. Let’s break down the science of piping systems and how they’re installed.
Pipeline Corrosion
Corrosion is one of the biggest worries when you’re installing a piping system. Liquid pipelines that carry oil and natural gas are prone to corrosion as a result of water and acidic gases. If steps aren’t taken to remove water from pipelines, that water may lead to hydrate formations, which can affect pressure and cause other issues. Carbonic acid can also form as a result of water and CO2 in a pipeline. While minor corrosion might not seem like a big deal to some, corrosion can eventually cause leaks in pipelines. Considering how dangerous natural gas leaks can be, preventing corrosion is one of the most important things you can do when installing a piping system.
Protecting Against Corrosion
There’s a lot that goes into installing a piping system properly to make sure it’s protected from corrosion. Corrosion can be prevented by injecting chemical inhibitors in parts of the pipeline where water or acid gases have built up, but that’s only so effective. Choosing the right coating when installing a piping system is the best way to protect against corrosion. Coal tar enamel is commonly used to coat the outsides of gas pipelines because it’s easy to install, temperature-resistant, and resistant to compounds in the soil that may cause corrosion. Fusion-bonded epoxy, or FBE, is also used to coat pipelines.
When you’re installing a pipeline, choosing the right type of coating based on the environment is key. Some coatings aren’t as resistant to heat, while others may provide less resistance to corrosion. Multilayer coatings are frequently used to provide even more protection against water and other causes of corrosion.
Installing a piping system may seem somewhat straightforward, but there are many potential issues you need to address during the installation stage. Choosing the right coating can help you protect pipelines from corrosion, saving time and money and preventing safety issues. If you want to know more about the science behind pipelines and which materials will best meet your needs, contact Lynco Flange & Fitting to learn more.