How to Find the Highest Quality Flange and Fitting Distributor

Fitting distributors play a critical role in keeping various industries active and operational. According to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, over 3,200 serious gas pipeline leaks have occurred in the U.S. since 1987. Addressing pipeline leaks and other issues related to piping networks is only possible with the help of fitting suppliers. Working only with the top distributors is a must. You’ll have an easier time finding them if you follow the tips detailed below.

Look for Distributors That Can Deliver Standardized Fittings

Depending on which industry your business belongs to, you may need fittings that meet certain standards. The fittings you use to establish connections within your piping networks may have to meet specific standards, or you may not be able to use them. You must always be mindful of meeting those minimum requirements. The fitting distributors can help with that.

Check their supply of fittings to confirm that they have the standardized products you need.

Partner With Distributors That Offer Custom Fittings

Piping networks have certain quirks that can cause some issues when the time comes to select fittings. Those quirks can become problematic when they prevent standard fittings from supporting the piping network. Thankfully, there is still a solution to that problem. In that scenario, you can continue creating connections in your piping network by relying on custom fittings.

Speak to different fitting suppliers and check if they offer custom products. This service isn’t as rare as you might have assumed, so you should be able to find a suitable supplier. Make sure that the distributor you’re working with can customize essential fitting elements, such as shape and size.

Work With Distributors That Provide Short Turnaround Times

Finally, you should prioritize the distributors that can deliver your requested fittings even without much lead time. Emergencies happen all the time, and you may need fittings quickly. Ideally, your chosen distributor should be able to meet that demand so you won’t have to disrupt your operations.

Choosing from various fitting distributors is easy if you follow the tips in this article. You can also eliminate the need to search for a supplier by working with Lynco Flange & Fitting. Call us to place your order, and we’ll quickly provide your flanges and fittings!

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