Stainless Steel vs. Carbon Steel Pipe Fittings: Which is Right for Your Project?

Pipe fittings can make a huge difference in your project and how successful it will be. Finding the right stainless steel or carbon steel pipe fittings for your project can mean the difference between one that is going work well over time and one that might not be well suited for what you want it to do.

What Is Carbon Steel?

Carbon steel is a basic form of steel that is made from a combination of iron and carbon. It does have other substances in trace amounts, but it is classified by how much carbon is present in the mixture. Low to mid-level carbon steel only has about 0.3% carbon while high could have over 2%. Carbon steel is very strong and durable and is known for being able to withstand very high temperatures as well.

What Is Stainless Steel?

Stainless steel is made by adding chromium to iron and carbon. Stainless steel has to have at least 10% chromium to be deemed stainless steel. The best known feature of stainless steel is that it does not rust. It can be used with water and other liquids, and it is not going to deteriorate as quickly or rust over time like carbon steel would.

Which Is Best?

With corrosive materials, stainless steel is a better choice as it is not going to react, and it is less likely to erode or rust. If the contents of the pipe are likely to be very hot, carbon steel is going to be able to better withstand high heat. Carbon steel pipe fittings and elbows are generally at a 90 or 45-degree angle and will be exposed to whatever the pipe is carrying.

Both options are rather affordable so you are not going to have to worry about breaking the bank with either option. You can also consider things like if the pipe is going to be visible, what size the pipe is and so on. If you are unsure about what type of pipe or pipe fitting you need, it is always best to talk with a professional company about what they suggest and about what might work best.

The right pipe and pipe fitting can make a huge difference. Contact us today for more information!

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