How Interruptions in Flow Can Hinder Production

Natural gas is an integral part of our economic and industrial success in the U.S. Under the right circumstances, natural gas is a helpful, powerful tool. However, when the flow of gas and oil is not carefully monitored, it can become a dangerous problem. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, about 79% of injuries in the natural gas and oil industry are caused by problems in distribution lines and interruptions in flow. These types of interruptions can be lessened with quality pipe fittings and flanges. Let’s look at some possible causes of these interruptions.

High Loads and Stress

Piping can experience forces that weaken components such as flanges. This often happens when there are loose-fitting connections or a lack of flexibility in the system. When a shock or force meets the system, it can bend components out of alignment. If there has been a poor configuration of supports and restraints, distortion can take place. This could also be a result of inconsistencies in the system as well. This can lead to leaks which can cause dangerous and deadly problems.

Thermal Shock

When choosing piping parts for high temperature applications, the utmost care and attention should be given to those choices. Thermal shocks, or frequent fluctuations in temperature, will cause elements of the piping such as flanges to warp. This can then cause interruptions in the flow of gas. Even if these interruptions in flow don’t cause danger, they can definitely slow down production in industries that are reliant on consistent oil or gas flow.

Durability and Fatigue

A piping flange is susceptible to fatigue over time. It is difficult to determine when this fatigue will take place. However, it is often assumed that flange fatigue is closely related to the proportion of how quickly the machine deteriorates. Vibrations throughout machine systems will contribute to this fatigue over time. This is why careful maintenance and repairs are necessary to get a safe system running at all times and to keep production high.

Stress and Cracks

Many piping elements in the industrial sector are exposed to corrosive chemicals on a regular basis. This can lead to stress corrosion cracking. This can be both destructive and dangerous. This is especially dangerous when natural gas is being transported through the piping system. The utmost care and attention should be given to the maintenance and repairs of flanges and piping. Not only will this prevent interruptions in flow and slowdowns in production, but it will also help keep workers safe.

Are you in need of high-quality piping parts? Contact Lynco Flange & Fitting today to learn more about our products. We look forward to assisting you!

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